One of our key pieces of guidance is to actively move towards or engage with whatever arises in a journey. Our catchphrase for this is “in and through.” Our shortcut to remembering this intention is the word “yes.”

You do not need to step forward with two feet
Or even one
You step in straight from the center of Yes
Even if your yes is soft and quiet
Even though you know the path is hard
Even though you’ve learned that you are still not in control
And yes
Even though you understand that someday, you will die, but not yet
Today is for yes
Yes to all the living you can muster
Yes to however wide your heart can open
Yes to whatever grief there is left to feel
Yes to the people you’ve loved and who have hurt you
Yes to the people you haven’t loved yet
Yes to the awareness that you’ve only just begun to love yourself as much as you deserve
Yes to whatever mystery awaits
Today is for the living
And so let it be known we have arrived battered and fearful, hopeful and heartful with nothing in our hands but the only thing that matters – the yes